D.O.C.C. Lab

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Darby is headed to Meta for an internship this summer.
Congrats, Darby!
Paper accepted to Journal of Systems Research (JSys’22)!
Our paper, "Identifying mismatches between microservice testbeds and industrial perceptions of microservices" was accepted to the Journal of Systems Research (JSys'22).
Paper accepted at SoCC’21!
Our paper, “Automating choices for performance problems in distributed applications with VAIF," was accepted at SoCC'21! Congrats to Mert Toslali and the rest of the team.
Thank you, Red Hat!
D.O.C.C. Lab award a gift from Red Hat to work on discovering motifs in distributed traces.
Welcome, Sarah Abowitz!
Sarah Abowitz joins the D.O.C.C. lab.
latest posts
Dec 12, 2023 | a post with TikZJax |
Jul 12, 2023 | a post with bibliography |
Jul 4, 2023 | a post with jupyter notebook |
selected publications
- ICPESystemizing and mitigating topological inconsistencies in Alibaba’s microservice call-graph datasetsIn ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, May 2024